
Filum, which means cord in latin, is a continuous piece of string which joins at the ends to form a theoretical knot. Filum encompasses a wide dynamic range of chord physics in addition to synthetic effects only achievable through software. The expression of the work has three stages: generation, chaos, and resolution. In the generation stage, it is instantiated given certain generative parameters. In the chaos stage, it becomes convoluted, appearing more tangled than it really is. In the final stage, it de-tangles to its most basic form, expressing a soothing calmness.


The generation stage produces the following variants: the trivial knot (oval), trefoil, square wave, butterfly, kaleidoscope, intertwined slinky, ammonite, proliferation, casper, electrified, stylized, synapse, galaxy, plotter, and chromatic spectrum.


The chaos stage has the following modes: slow tangling, aggressive tangling, EQ stereo glitch, spaghetti code, scissor mechanism, quantum vibrations, fence-wire, denatured-protein, resonance, and crystalizing silk.


By nature, some instantiations remain in the chaos stage, but most resolve according to their characteristic behavior.

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